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Monday, 4 July 2011

RMAN Catalog tips(TO be continued)

 What is the RMAN  recovery catalog:
RMAN recovery catalog, which holds RMAN repository data for one or more databases in a separate database schema, in addition to using the control files of the databases.

Creating a Recovery Catalog

Creating a recovery catalog is a three-step process: you must configure the database that will contain the recovery catalog, create the recovery catalog owner, and then create the recovery catalog itself.

Configuring the Recovery Catalog Database

When you use a recovery catalog, RMAN requires that you maintain a recovery catalog schema. The recovery catalog is stored in the default tablespace of the schema. Note that SYS cannot be the owner of the recovery catalog.

Decide which database you will use to install the recovery catalog schema, and also how you will back up this database. You should not install the catalog in the target database: this tactic defeats the purpose of the catalog. Also, decide whether to operate the catalog database in ARCHIVELOG mode, which is recommended.

Planning the Size of the Recovery Catalog Schema

You must allocate space to be used by the catalog schema. The size of the recovery catalog schema depends upon the number of databases monitored by the catalog, and the number and size of RMAN scripts stored in the catalog. The schema also grows as the number of archived redo log files and backups for each database grows.

For an example, assume that the trgt database has 100 files, and you back up the database once a day, producing 50 backup sets containing 1 backup piece each. If you assume that each row in the backup piece table uses the maximum amount of space, then one daily backup will consume less than 170 KB in the recovery catalog. So, if you back up once a day for a year, then the total storage in this period is about 62 MB. Assume approximately the same amount for archived logs. Hence, the worst case is about 120 MB for a year for metadata storage.

For a more typical case in which only a portion of the backup piece row space is used, 15 MB for each year is a realistic estimate.

If you plan to register multiple databases in your recovery catalog, remember to add up the space required for each one based on the previous calculation to arrive at a total size for the default tablespace of the recovery catalog schema.

Allocating Disk Space for the Recovery Catalog Database

If you are creating your recovery catalog in an already-existing database, add enough room to hold the default tablespace to the recovery catalog schema. If you are creating a new database to hold your recovery catalog, then, in addition to the space for the recovery catalog schema itself, you must allow space for other files in the recovery catalog database:
  • SYSTEM tablespace
  • Temporary tablespaces
  • Rollback segment tablespaces
  • Online redo log files
This table describes the typical space required:
Type of Space Space Requirement

SYSTEM tablespace

90 MB

Temp tablespace

5 MB

Rollback or undo tablespace

5 MB

Recovery catalog tablespace

15 MB for each database registered in the recovery catalog

Online redo logs

1 MB each (3 groups, each with 2 members)

 Please be careful to ensure that the recovery catalog and target databases do not reside on the same disk. If a disk containing both your recovery catalog and your target databases failed, your recovery process would be much more complicated. If possible, take other measures as well to eliminate common points of failure between your recovery catalog database and the databases you are backing up.

Creating the Recovery Catalog Owner

After choosing the recovery catalog database and creating necessary space, you are ready to create the owner of the recovery catalog and grant this user necessary privileges.

Assume the following background information for the instructions in the following sections:
  • User SYS with password oracle has SYSDBA privileges on the recovery catalog database catdb.
  • A tablespace called tools in the recovery catalog database catdb stores the recovery catalog. Note that to use an RMAN reserved word as a tablespace name, you must enclose it in quotes and put it in uppercase. (Refer to Oracle Database Recovery Manager Reference for a list of RMAN reserved words.)
  • A tablespace called temp exists in the recovery catalog database.
  • The database is configured in the same way as all normal databases, for example, catalog.sql and catproc.sql have successfully run.

To create the recovery catalog schema in the recovery catalog database:
  1. Start SQL*Plus and then connect with administrator privileges to the database containing the recovery catalog. For example, enter:
    CONNECT SYS/oracle@catdb AS SYSDBA
  2. Create a user and schema for the recovery catalog. For example, enter:
  3. Grant the RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role to the schema owner. This role provides the user with all privileges required to maintain and query the recovery catalog.

RMAN>Configure backup optimization on;
This command will make the read-only datafiles will not be backedup as long as backups of those files already exist and those backups meet eshtablished retention criteria.

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